Time Pilot * Select from four skill levels * For one or two players For use with ColecoVision or the ADAM Family Computer system! Use your standard hand controller or your Super Action controller with this game. Eliminate all enemies in one time period, then move on to the next. Start in 1910, and progress to 1940, 1970, and finally 1985! Plays like the TIME PILOT arcade game! GAME DESCRIPTION You're caught in a time warp! Earn your wings against ruthless enemy aircraft from the dawn of aviation to the superjet age. TIME PILOT takes you through the decades as you face enemies from four different time periods: 1910: Battle the ghosts of yesteryear's dogfighting biplanes! Their hand bombs are crude, but deadly all the same. Fend them off, then face the mighty dirigible. 1940: Time warp ahead 30 years! Face squadrons of swooping monoplanes and bombers. Evade their swift attack, then eliminate the red heavy bomber to move on the next era--and more action! 1970: The enemy is more sophisticated now! Eliminate swarms of helicopters. Dodge their heat-seeking missiles. The more choppers you down, the closer you come to success. But face the double-prop helicopter before pushing forward in time once again. 1985: You've reached the final and future battle! Duel against swirling waves of jet fighters. With speed, sharp aim, and infra-red homing missiles, these are awesome opponents. But victory is not yours until you've downed the dreaded black jet bomber! Are you up to this challenge? GETTING READY TO PLAY ALWAYS MAKE SURE THE COLECOVISION CONSOLE IS OFF BEFORE INSERTING OR REMOVING A CARTRIDGE. Choose your Challenge. Press the Reset Button and the Title screen for TIME PILOT appears on your TV. Wait for the Game Option screen to appear. It contains a list of eight game options. Skill 1 (Game Options 1 and 5) is the easiest, suitable for play by beginners. Skill 2 (Game Options 2 and 6) is harder, but not as demanding as the arcade version of the game. Skill 3 (Game Options 3 and 7) plays much like the arcade version of TIME PILOT. Skill 4 (Game Options 4 and 8) is the toughest challenge of all! Do you dare face it? Select a game option by pressing the corresponding number button on either controller keypad. One-Player Game Use the Port 1 controller. Two-Player Game (Alternating Players) Players take turns. Player 1 uses the Port 1 controller; Player 2 uses the Port 2 controller. Player 1 begins and each turn lasts until the player's Timeship is eliminated. USING YOUR CONTROLS Keypad: Keypad Buttons 1-8 allow you to select a Game Option for playing TIME PILOT. Press * after a game to replay your game option. Press # after a game to return to the Game Option screen to choose a different challenge. Control Stick: Your Timeship turns to face the direction you press the Control Stick. The Timeship stops turning when it reaches that direction. If you release the Control Stick, the Timeship stops turning immediately. Side Buttons: (Standard Hand Controller) Press and release either Side Button to make your Timeship fire bullets in the direction it faces. Tap a button to fire one shot. Hold a button a little longer to fire three shots at a time. Action Buttons: (Super Action Controller) Press and release either the top (yellow) or second (orange) Action Button to make your Timeship fire bullets in the direction it faces. Tap a button to fire one shot. Hold a button in a little longer to fire three shots at a time. HERE'S HOW TO PLAY Enter the time warp! It's 1910. Your sleek Timeship battles a horde of biplanes. "Slow but deadly" is the biplane's motto. Beware of bullets and hand bombs. At first, one plane challenges your air space. Then two, then a whole formation! Shoot a formation before it breaks up to earn extra points. (No hand bombs in Skill 1, Round 1.) Save the parachutists! In the middle of battle, a man floats by. A friend! Pass your Timeship over him. Pick up a second parachutist before your turn is over to earn twice as many points for saving him. Rescue a third to earn three times the points! Hit the dirigible. As you eliminate enemy planes, the Enemies Remaining indicator decreases. When the indicator is empty, the dirigible flies into view. Your Timeship must hit the dirigible five times to complete this stage of battle. Colliding with it also does the job--but you lose a Timeship in the process! It's 1940! Your Timeship breaks out of the time trap and moves on. Enemy biplanes are replaced by monoplanes and blue bombers. Shoot the monoplanes to shrink the Enemies Remaining indicator. Attack the blue bomber to build up your score. You must hit it four times to knock it out of action. But your battle s not done yet. There's the red heavy bomber to sack! The chopper 70's. Made it through the time warp? Look what you face now: a swarm of buzzing helicopters! Maneuverable, unpredictable, each helicopter threatens your Timeship. Watch out for their heat-seeking missiles--or you won't make it to '85. Don't forget the double-prop chopper. Hit it five times to break out of the time trap. (No missiles in Skill 1, Round 1 .) Meet your match! It's superjet 1985. High-speed jets battle your Timeship. Be quick! Keep firing. Dodge! Those missiles are more deadly than ever. And fast. Eliminate the black jet bomber to earn your wings! (No missiles in Skill 1, Round 1.) Advance and be proud. You earn wings when you complete one full round (four time periods). Each succeeding round yields more valuable decorations.What can you achieve? Special Pause Feature Press * during a game to pause. The screen blanks and music plays. Press * again to return to the game at the point where you stopped. There's a slight delay before the action begins again. Starting over The adventure ends when all your Timeships are eliminated. Press * at game's end to replay your option. Press # to go back to the Game Option screen to choose another challenge. Reset The Reset Button on the console stops the game and returns you to the Title screen. It can be used to start a new game at any time, and can also be used in the event of game malfunction. SCORING TIMESHIP ELIMINATES: POINTS EARNED: Enemy Plane.................100 Hand Bomb...................100 Heat-Seeking Missile .......100 Blue Bomber (1940) .........500 Dirigible..................3000 Red Heavy Bomber ..........3000 Double-Prop Helicopter ....3000 Black Jet Bomber...........3000 Bonus! You earn bonus points for eliminating every plane in a formation: Formation of 3 planes ....1500 Formation of 4 planes ....2000 Formation of 5 planes ....2500 Parachutists The first parachutist your Timeship rescues is worth 1000 points. The second parachutist saved during the same turn earns 2000 points. The third parachutist is worth 3000 points, and so on. If your Timeship is eliminated, the first parachutist rescued in your next turn is worth 1000 points once more. How many Timeships? Each player begins with five Timeships. Players earn an extra Timeship when their score reaches 10,000 points, 30,000 points, and at every 20,000 points thereafter.